Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Be careful when searching the web

Over on the F-Secure blog, Jusu posted an interesting snippet this morning which describes how Bad Things (tm) can happen when you accidentally mis-type a URL:

"We have been investigating an interesting case about what happens if you happen to mistype www.google.com. One variation (www. googkle .com) leads to a site that will start a huge chain of webpages with exploits in various formats. HTML, CHM, JS, VBS, EXE, JAR you name it. As an end result the poor mistypist will have seriously malware and spyware infected computer. So keep your browsers up to date and practice on your touch typing."
The F-Secure folks have a detailed description of this particular malware web page here.

Update: Apparently, Techweb.com picked up on this story, too. Read it here.


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