Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Two hundred digit number factored

Via WikiNews:

The two unique prime factors of a 200-digit number have been discovered by researchers at Bonn University (Germany) and the CWI (Netherlands) who had been working on factoring the number since Christmas 2003. The number is the largest integer yet factored with a general purpose algorithm.

The number, named RSA-200, was one of a series of such numbers issued as a challenge by security company RSA security in March 1991 in order to track the real-world difficulty of factoring such numbers, used in the public-key encryption algorithm RSA. RSA-200 beats the previous record number 11281+1 (176 digits, factored on May 2nd, 2005), and RSA-576 (174 digits, factored on December 3rd, 2003).


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