Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cybercriminals outpacing authorities: Report

Jack Kapica writes in The Globe and Mail:

Criminals operating in cyberspace are becoming more sophisticated than the legal systems intended to stop them, a new report on cybercrime from McAfee Inc.

The chances of being caught are also favourable to criminals, with only 5 per cent of them standing a chance of being caught and convicted.

"Many police forces still lack the capability to operate effectively in cyberspace," says the McAfee Virtual Criminology Report.

"Many countries still lack an adequate legal framework for the deterrence and punishment of cybercrimes or rely on an uneven patchwork of legislation," the report says. "Disagreement over what constitutes a crime; inadequate, uneven, or absent authorities for governments to investigate and prosecute cybercrime; and paper-based procedures for international co-operation have at times hampered international co-operation on cybercrime."


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