Thursday, July 28, 2005

IE7 nukes Google, Yahoo! search

Andrew Orlowski writes for The Register:

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 went on a limited beta release today and contains a nasty surprise for some users.

Users with search toolbars from Yahoo! and Google have discovered that these vanish. Other third-party toolbars designed to block pop-ups or aid with form filling appear to be working normally, according to reports from Reg readers.

IE7 integrates search into the browser, but the only option is Microsoft's own MSN Search. There are sound compatibility reasons for Microsoft disabling third-party toolbars in an early cut of the software. The beta is only available to Vista beta testers, and is available either as part of Vista itself or as a download for Windows XP Service 2, and affects only a few thousand people.


At Thu Jul 28, 06:20:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just talked with the IE 7 team and they totally refute the Register's claims:

At Thu Jul 28, 06:22:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooopss, sorry, here's the IE team's response.

At Fri Jul 29, 05:07:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know who blogged that last night. But here's Microsoft's official response.


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