Friday, July 01, 2005

Lucky Cal State students: Test May Measure Web Wisdom

An AP newswire article by Michelle Locke, via Yahoo! News, reports that:

...That's why Cal State and a number of other colleges are working with ETS [Educational Testing Service] to create a test to evaluate Internet intelligence, measuring whether students can locate and verify reliable online information and whether they know how to properly use and credit the material.

"This test measures a skill as important as having mathematics and English skills when you come to the university," says Roth. "If you don't come to the university with it, you need to know that you are lacking some skills that educated people are expected to have."

A preliminary version of the new test, the Information and Communication Technology Literacy Assessment, was given to 3,300 Cal State students this spring to see how well it works, i.e. testing the test. Individual scores aren't being tallied but campuses will be getting aggregate reports.


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