Monday, August 29, 2005

Cell Signal-jamming Firm Seeks Relaxation of Jamming Laws

Via TechWeb News.

A company that makes cell phone jamming equipment is asking U.S. lawmakers to change federal laws to allow broader use of jamming equipment by law enforcement officials in the United States.

Howard Melamed, CEO of CellAntenna Corp., said the change is needed to address the threat of cell phones being used as detonation devices for improvised explosive bombs in the U.S.

In a statement Monday, CellAntenna urged lawmakers "to adopt measures that allow for the use of jamming equipment by police and federal law enforcement officials.” Also in the statement, Melamed further described the legalization of cellular jamming is “the first step in preventing an IED attack in the United States.”

CellAntenna, which makes jamming products, said that its strategic partnership with a firm that supplied jamming gear for the 2004 Olympics, remains in use. The company also observed that cellular phones triggered recent terrorist bombings in London.


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