Thursday, October 13, 2005

Feds to probe e-mails in N.Y. terror alert


Federal authorities on Thursday opened a criminal investigation into who wrote e-mails that warned private citizens of a possible terror threat to New York City subways days in advance of a city government decision to issue a public alert last week.

News of the probe followed a report Thursday in the New York Daily News that a "select crowd of business and arts executives" received e-mails tipping them off to a potential threat days before most New Yorkers heard about it from local officials.

NBC's Pete Williams reported that investigators were looking at the e-mails, which appear to be based on statements by government officials with knowledge of the potential threat.

A federal official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is under investigation, told NBC News that it was not clear whether the e-mails were written by government employees or by people who overheard discussion of the potential threat. But now, the fact there is a criminal investigation would indicate an interest in finding out whether government officials in possession of classified information were somehow involved in the unauthorized e-mail.


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