Sunday, October 02, 2005

Google Morphs Into Multifaceted Juggernaut

An AP newswire article by Michael Liedtke, via Yahoo! News, reports that:

In just seven years, Google Inc. has morphed from a bare-bones online search engine into a technological octopus that seems to sprout another intriguing tentacle every other week.

The Mountain View, Calif.,-based company, with $7.1 billion to spend thanks to zealous shareholder support, is now positioned to head down a variety of different paths. And that's spurring an almost-daily guessing game about where Google's flurry of innovation might lead.

Internet and software rivals like Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. aren't the only ones tracking Google. Big media and telecommunications companies also are on the lookout, realizing they too may face a looming threat.

The theories about Google's next move are all over the map.


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