Monday, October 24, 2005

GWA shines light on Google privacy concerns

David writes over on the Signal vs. Noise blog:

So you thought the Google Web Accelerator was bad just because it destroys all your data? Try reading their privacy policy. Especially the two choice bits about how all your traffic and all your cookies are belong to Google:

When you use Google Web Accelerator, Google servers automatically receive and log your web requests. Web requests and data sent in encrypted form using an HTTPS connection will not go through Google. It is possible that a URL or other page information sent to Google may itself contain personal information… Google temporarily caches cookies from third party sites that are used in your web requests.

So let’s recap. Google…

Oh, and btw, they’re an advertising company.

Now I usually care as little about conspiracy theories as the rest of you, but I’m starting to grow a little uncomfortable with the one ring to bind them all in darkness.


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