Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Peers or not? Cogent, Level 3 disagree...

Via TelephonyOnline.

A war of words has broken out between Cogent Communications and Level 3 Communications, after the latter terminated a peering agreement between their two networks.

As a result of the termination, Cogent and Level 3 customers who don’t also have connections to other Internet backbones, such as those provided by MCI, AT&T or Sprint, will not be able to communicate.

The squabble is the first public debate in some time over peering arrangements, which normally are negotiated behind closed doors.

“Level 3 is thinking that Cogent’s customers will scream more because they cannot connect to Level 3 customers than Level 3 customers will scream because they cannot connect to Cogent,” said Andrew M. Odlyzko, a professor in the University of Minnesota’s Digital Technology Center.


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