Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rumor Mill: Google readying "Google Purchases"?

Alorie Gilbert writes in the C|Net Google Blog:

Bloggers claim to have discovered evidence this week that Google may be about to launch an online payment system.

The GoogleRumors blog is displaying an alleged screen shot of something called Google Purchases, a page it claims to have stumbled on yesterday by visiting

The page, as it appears on the blog, says "Get started with Google Purchases" and displays a form for entering credit card information and a billing address. The form also says, "'Google' will appear by the charge on your credit card statement" and urges visitors to review terms of service.

It's no secret that Google's developing a payment system to support a push into the e-commerce arena. The company acknowledged the project in June, fueling speculation it's part of Google's plan to deliver movies, TV shows and other video content over the Web though its Google Video Viewer program.


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