Monday, November 07, 2005

Security Debate on Skype's 'Dark Side'

Andrew Colley writes in Australian IT:

THE recent discovery of security holes in popular internet telephony service Skype has computer security experts questioning the software's safety.

AARNet internet protocol general manager Stephen Kingham said the service had been extremely successful, but the proprietary internet protocol behind that had a "very dark" side.

"It's a peer-to-peer protocol. It's secret but once it's hacked anyone running Skype is going to be in a lot of trouble," Mr Kingham said.

Given its peer-to-peer nature, he said, the software, if hacked, could be used for illicit purposes such as file trading. AusCERT senior security analyst Jamie Gillespie said the Skype network could be attractive to hackers seeking an easy way to carry data traffic anonymously.


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