Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Senate Won't Question Telecoms About NSA Spying

How very disappointing.

When Jack Cafferty said on CNN:

"We all hope nothing happens to Arlen Specter, the Republican head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, cause he might be all that stands between us and a full blown dictatorship in this country. He's vowed to question these phone company executives about volunteering to provide the government with my telephone records, and yours, and tens of millions of other Americans."

I thanked my lucky stars that there seemed to be some integrity on Capitol Hill. Now, I'm sorely disappointed.

Anne Broache writes on C|Net News:

A prominent Republican senator on Tuesday backed away from his pledge to question executives from telecommunications companies that have allegedly been cooperating with the government's secret wiretapping program.

Arlen Specter said that after discussions with the Bush administration and Senate Intelligence Committee colleagues who had been more fully briefed on the National Security Agency program, he was "prepared to defer on a temporary basis" requiring representatives from AT&T, Verizon Communications and BellSouth to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which he leads.

More here.


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