Thursday, August 24, 2006

U.S. Court Protects Confidentiality in Piracy Reporting

Grant Gross writes on InfoWorld:

A judge in Washington, D.C. has struck down a defense contractor's efforts to find out the name of a person who reported it for alleged software piracy.

Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia rejected a subpoena seeking the identity of a person who reported Solers Inc. of Arlington, Virginia, for alleged software piracy in 2005. Solers had filed a defamation claim against the unidentified informant and had subpoenaed the name from Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), an antipiracy trade group the informant contacted about the alleged piracy.

When SIIA contacted Solers about the allegation, the company denied wrongdoing. SIIA did not pursue a claim against Solers and did not determine that it had engaged in software piracy, SIIA said.

More here.


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