Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Quote of the Day: FBI Director Robert Mueller

"Public corruption is a betrayal of the public’s sacred trust. It erodes public confidence and undermines the strength of our democracy. Unchecked, it threatens our government and our way of life. That is why it is our top criminal investigative priority."

"Over the last two years, the FBI has convicted more than 1,060 government employees involved in corrupt activities, to include 177 federal officials, 158 state officials, 360 local officials, and more than 365 police officers. In FY 2005 alone, the Public Corruption Program saw a 25% increase in public corruption cases investigated, resulting in 890 indictments, 759 convictions, and 2,118 cases still pending. There are 622 agents currently working public corruption matters, an increase of 264 since 2002."

- FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a prepared statement presented before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Via The Project for Government Oversight.


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