Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hackers Looking Forward to iPhone

I'm on the Daily Dave list, and can attest to this. :-)

Robert McMillan writes on ComputerWorld:

Technology fetishists aren't the only folks itching to get their hands on an iPhone. Hackers want to play with Apple Inc.'s new toy, too.

Within hours of Apple's iPhone unveiling on Tuesday, the iPhone was a hot topic on the Dailydave discussion list, a widely read forum on security research.

Much of the discussion centered on the processor that Apple may have chosen to power its new device and what kind of assembly language "shellcode" might work on this chip. "Is this beast running an ARM?" wrote reverse-engineering expert Havlar Flake, "I have doubts about a mobile device being based on x86, so does anyone have details about what sort of shellcode needs to be written?"

More here.


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