Monday, March 12, 2007

Maryland Porn Investigation Nabs Cops, State Workers

Sharon Guadin writes on InformationWeek:

Maryland authorities have nabbed 22 state employees who were visiting pornographic Web sites -- sometimes a few thousand times a week -- on the job. The culprits, who were not named, were disciplined, various state agencies said.

The majority of the 22 employees are Transportation Authority police officers, who patrol state highways, tunnels, and bridges, and maintenance workers.

Members of Maryland's Office of Legislative Audits reported that the number of employees involved is understated, since many "improper accesses" to the Internet were not identified by an employee's name and because the investigation was limited to a 31-day period. Auditors found hundreds of instances of employees accessing pornographic Web sites in just a two-day period but could not immediately tie them to specific users.

More here.


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