Friday, September 07, 2007

China Shuts Down Data Centers and Server Farms in Internet Purge

Via Interfax China.

China has shut down a large number of Internet data centers (IDCs) and server cabinets in recent weeks in its latest Internet purge, a source told Interfax today.

"The government began shutting down large IDCs across China last week," a Web site owner, who wished to remain anonymous, said. He said IDCs in Fujian, Henan and Shanghai had been closed.

The source believed the shut downs were part of an Internet purge in preparation for the upcoming 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He said accusations that Web sites contained illegal information were being used to justify the shut downs. Server cabinets hosting Web sites subject to these accusations were also disabled. If an IDC was found to contain a number of Web sites accused of holding illegal information, then the entire facility would be taken offline, closing down all sites hosted at that particular IDC.

More here.


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