Thursday, October 18, 2007

NSA Can Eat Data Faster Than Anyone on The Planet

Bob Brewin writes on GovExec's "Tech Insider":

Northrop Grumman recently won a National Security Agency information management and data services contract, which will allow the agency to ingest data at a speed faster than any other entity that the company knows on the planet.

Kevin Henderson, chief systems engineer for the information management and data services project, declined to provide any speed benchmarks for me but said the system would outperform those used for high-energy physics computations, which does provide a good baseline to work from.

In 2005 a team from the Energy Department's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center transferred physics data at the rate of 150 gigabits per second, or the equivalent of downloading 130 DVD movies in one minute. The NSA system supposedly can work faster than that.

More here.


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