Wednesday, October 10, 2007

TJX: The Unsurpassed Geniuses At Playing Dumb

Evan Schuman writes on StorefrontBacktalk:

As I look back at the 10 months of this soap opera known as the TJX data breach—the biggest ever, in case someone forgot—I keep being reminded of a wonderful piece of dialogue in the 1990s TV show, The West Wing.

One of the characters—a White House deputy communications director named Sam Seaborn—was arguing with another character when she told him, "Don't play dumb with me." He replied: "I'm not playing dumb. I really am dumb. Most of the time, I'm playing smart."

The TV joke was that this character truly was smart and was a smart guy playing dumb beneath playing smart. (Shades of Victor/Victoria but let's not go there.) This brings us back to TJX.

More here.


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