Monday, April 07, 2008

China Also Claims It Is Victim of Regular Cyber Attacks

Via The Dark Visitor.

In my opinion, it is always important to see how the other guy views the world. Hardly a day goes by that Chinese hackers don’t make the Western news, which is usually accompanied by wild speculation on Beijing’s tacit or active involvement. Well, what happens in China and do they suffer similar attacks?

From an article in the People’s Liberation Army News that comes via Xinhua. In 2005, the CNCERT Processing and Coordination Center found that China had over 220,000 attacks from outside sources. The top offenders attacking China were:

  1. The US with 40% of attacks
  2. Japan with 11% of attacks
  3. Taiwan with 10% of attacks
  4. South Korea with 8% of attacks

It was also discovered that the main source of 27,000 Trojan horse attacks, came from the US, South Korea and Taiwan. The US, South Korea and Taiwan were also mainly responsible for 16,000 IPs that were controlling zombie nets inside China.

China further had 24,477 web pages that had been tampered with and among those, 3,831 were Chinese government websites.

More here.


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