Monday, June 06, 2005

Cisco bolsters distributed service denial software

Loring Wirbel writes in the EE Times:

Cisco Systems Inc. came to Supercomm here with an updated software suite to combat distributed denial-of-service attacks, implemented in both stand-alone appliances and router and switch modules.

The company made a special effort to show that its core transport strategies are gaining momentum, listing customers for the reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (Roadm), which debuted last fall as a version of its ONS 15454 platform. It also highlighted it CRS-1 core router, launched with much fanfare in spring 2004.

Jeff Spagnola, Cisco's vice president of service provider marketing, said the factor leading to true CRS-1 network rollouts by carriers like British Telecom has been the arrival of very high bandwidth services at the network edge. "The 12000 router family is now used at both core and edge," Spagnola said. "That puts the pressure on carriers to upgrade to CRS-1 at the heart of their networks."


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