Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Earthlink Finalist for Philly Wireless Net

An AP newswire article, via Yahoo! News, reports that:

A nonprofit group named by Philadelphia's mayor chose Earthlink Inc. as the finalist to provide high-speed wireless Internet access for city residents, a city official said.

If the arrangement is finalized, Earthlink will lead a team that will build and maintain the system, said Dianah Neff, the city's chief information officer and head of Wireless Philadelphia, the nonprofit group overseeing development of a citywide Wi-Fi network.

Atlanta-based EarthLink's proposal was chosen over one from a team led by Hewlett-Packard Co. at a closed Wireless Philadelphia board meeting Monday, and Neff said she expected a contract to be signed within 60 days.

Neff said she expected the network to be completed within a year. About 300 communities across the country have or plan to launch similar Wi-Fi initiatives.

Earthlink agreed to pay for construction and maintenance, saving Wireless Philadelphia $10 million to $15 million, Neff said.


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