Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Man convicted in China of DVD piracy facing charges in U.S.

An AP newswire article, via USA Today, reports that:

A man convicted in China of selling pirated DVDs now faces multiple charges of copyright infringement in the United States, U.S. authorities said Monday.

Chinese officials expelled Randolph Hobson Guthrie, turning him over to U.S. authorities in Los Angeles late last week. He was scheduled to appear Tuesday in federal court for a bond hearing, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

After the bond hearing, Guthrie is expected to be transferred to Mississippi to face copyright infringement, trafficking and money laundering charges.

The probe that led to the charges dates to September 2003 when an undercover ICE agent bought counterfeit DVDs at a Mississippi flea market, ICE said.


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