Monday, October 03, 2005

Sales of .org Domain Grows Fast in India

An AP newswire article by Rajesh Mahapatra, via ABC News, reports that:

The sales of the ".org" domain the Internet address for most nonprofit organizations are growing faster in India than any other major nation, a top manager for the domain said Monday.

Although India now accounts for less than 1 percent of the users registered with ".org" worldwide, new Indian users of the domain are growing at a pace matched by few countries, said Edward G. Viltz, the president and chief executive of the Public Interest Registry, the Reston, Va.-based nonprofit agency which manages use of the ".org" address.

The number of ".org" domain users in India increased 31 percent in the past nine months from a year ago, compared with 9 percent in China and 5 percent in South Korea, Viltz said. Currently, there are 4 million ".org" users worldwide, 90 percent in the United States and Europe. In India, there are about 34,000.

India is home to one of the world's largest number of nonprofit organizations, which include aid groups, religious trusts, charities and welfare associations; but most have yet to go online, said Viltz, who is touring the country campaigning about the benefits that come with a ".org" domain.


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