Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blogging for EFF Austin

Well, it may not sound like much to some of you, but it's a big deal for me.

Jon Lebkowsky, who co-founded EFF-Austin back in 1991, dropped me a line this morning asking me if I'd like to post items/snippets/newsworthy items to the Austin-EFF News website occassionally, and I happily took him up on it.

Now, it's not exactly like I'm going to go crazy on this opportunity (and not like I don't have a fulltime job of my own, as well as a blog), but Jon's a busy guy, and I'm certainly happy to post items to the site which are of interest to freedom- and liberty-loving affectionados (as well as other techno geeks) here in Austin, as well as around the world.

As some of you may, or may not know, EFF-Austin was originally formed in 1991 with the intention that it would become the first chapter of the national Electronic Frontier Foundation, however EFF decided not to become a chapters organization, and EFF-Austin became a separately-incorporated, independent nonprofit organization working focusing on cyber liberties, digital rights, and emerging technologies. EFF-Austin became dormant in 1997, and was revived by original co-founders Steve Jackson and Jon Lebkowsky in 2002.

So, thanks Jon.

And stay tuned.


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