Tuesday, December 20, 2005

del.icio.us Suffers Lengthy Service Outage

Via Netcraft.

The shared bookmarking site del.icio.us was offline Monday as it struggled to recover from a data center power outage several days earlier. The downtime at del.icio.us was the latest in a series of outages for services that are widely used by bloggers. The TypePad blog hosting service was unusable for most of Friday, while the popular web-based RSS reader BlogLines was offline Monday as it shifted equipment to a new data center operated by its parent company, Ask Jeeves.

Del.icio.us was bought by Yahoo on Dec. 9. Five days later, the data center housing the site (CRNC of Denville, N.J.) suffered a power outage. "Due to the power outage earlier in the week, we are dealing with a number of continued hiccups," Joshua Schachter of del.icio.us reported Monday on the company's blog. "We've taken everything offline to properly rebuild and restore everything." Service was restored by Monday evening.

Schachter noted that similar outages would be less likely under the service's new ownership. "We are obviously not yet on the Yahoo! infrastructure, and this is exactly the kind of stuff they can do a lot better for us (and you)" Schachter wrote.


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