Friday, April 28, 2006

Got It On 'E'-bay

Via The Smoking Gun.

Memo to those considering entering the exciting field of Ecstasy production: It's probably not a good idea to set up your illicit drug lab via purchases on eBay, which apparently is being closely monitored by nosy Drug Enforcement Administration agents.

Federal investigators this week raided a New York City home after spending months monitoring online purchases of laboratory equipment and chemicals used in the manufacture of the popular club drug. According to a search warrant affidavit filed under seal this week in U.S. District Court, the eBay items were bought by a "Carlos Legrand" and delivered to a Queens home, where they were accepted by members of a family living there. Beginning last year, "Legrand" began purchasing flasks, chemicals, a "motorized tablet press," thermometers, a hotplate, and a "melting point apparatus" from assorted eBay sellers (some of the actual equipment is pictured below in images from recent eBay sale pages).

More here.


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