Tuesday, May 30, 2006

31 May 1927: The Last Ford Model T Rolls Off The Assmbly Line


Ford Model T
Image source: Wikipedia

Via WIkipedia.

The Ford Model T (colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie and the Flivver) was an automobile produced by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company from 1908 through 1927. It is generally regarded as the first affordable automobile, the car which "put America on wheels"; this was due to some of Ford's innovations, including assembly line production instead of individual hand crafting, as well as the concept of paying the workers a wage proportionate to the cost of the car, so that they would provide a ready made market. The first production Model T was built on September 27, 1908 at the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan. Cars built before 1919 are classed as veteran cars and later models as vintage cars.

There were several cars produced or prototyped by Henry Ford from the founding of the company in 1903 until the Model T came along. Although he started at the Model A, there were not 19 production models; some were only prototypes. The production model immediately before the Model T was the Ford Model S [1], an upgraded version of the company's largest success to that point, the Model N. For some reason, the follow-up was the Model A and not the Model U.

In the international poll for the award of the world's most influential car of the twentieth century the Ford Model T came first.

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