Monday, May 29, 2006

Showdown for Reporters in Wen Ho Lee Case

Brian Ross reports on the ABC News' "The Blotter":

Unless there is a last minute settlement, the Supreme Court is expected to decide Tuesday whether contempt orders against four prominent reporters, including Pierre Thomas of ABC News, should stay in place if they continue to refuse to name their confidential sources in a civil lawsuit brought against the government by nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee.

Legal experts say if the Supreme Court rules against the reporters, they may be forced to consider a cash payout to Lee as the only way to protect their confidential sources and avoid penalties which could include jail.

Efforts by the government and the media companies to settle the case out of court were reported to be continuing over the Memorial Day weekend.

The Supreme Court delayed a decision last week when Lee’s lawyers, in a letter to the court, said a settlement “may be imminent.”

More here.


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