Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Urge Your Senators to Vote Against Compromise Bill

Via Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances.

Grass Roots Action Alert

Despite conservative and progressive support for a full investigation into the warrantless domestic spying program of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Bush administration continues to refuse to disclose key facts and stonewall Congress, providing empty rhetoric and no real answers.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified before the House Judiciary Committee and alluded to President Bush's secret surveillance program having a wider scope than originally acknowledged, including the monitoring of purely domestic e-mails and phone conversations between Americans without any warrants. These comments demonstrate the urgent necessity of a full, bipartisan investigation of the unlawful program, to curb unfettered NSA fishing expeditions into the private communications of ordinary Americans.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) has introduced an amendment that would withhold some funding for the NSA if stonewalling continues. Senator Specter indicated that he does not intend to ask for a vote on the amendment but to open a public debate on the NSA spying program saying “where’s the outrage?” Senator Specter needs to hear from you that Americans are outraged that Congress has not investigated the NSA spying and you want checks and balances restored, to protect the legacy of liberty we inherited from our Founding Fathers.

Take action today.

More here.


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