Monday, December 11, 2006

Quote of the Day: Kirsten Norman

"God the American Government sucks. Freedom of speech my ass."

- Kirsten Norman, quoted on The Smoking Gun, discussing the idiocy that the Commonwealth of Virginia DMV displayed in their decision to recall her personalized license plates that read "STFU-PLS". Make sure you also read the letter that Kirsten sent back to the DMV...


At Tue Dec 12, 06:06:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Admittedly, the Smoking Gun article was pretty funny, but: Nowhere in the Constitution is she guaranteed the right to freedom of speech on her license plates. I'll bet she even signed something when she paid for her vanity plates that said something like, "We, the VA-DMV, can recall your plates any darned time we choose. Nyah!"

At Mon Sep 24, 11:24:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know this is a really late response, but a friend "googled" me and found this site/blog, and that story is about me, and actually the va dmv policy states that they can retract inappropriate or offensive plates, they took them from me because there was an implied inappropriatness and it had offended someone (who actually reported me, who does that?!) based on what they THOUGHT it meant. i'm offended by every stupid jimmy buffet and bible thumper license plate i see, but those will never get retracted. the letter i was sent also stated i could request to go before a board of my peers and argue my case, but they denied me that right saying "it wont change anything, just get new plates." the funniest thing is, i saw a plate recently in MD, i kid you now, it said PLS-STFU...


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