Tuesday, March 06, 2007

CRS: Terrorists Find Fertile Environment in Cyberspace

Patience Wait writes on GCN.com:

Finding proof that terrorists plan to launch cyberattacks against the United States is difficult, but the accessibility and vulnerability of the Internet to attack makes it a growing threat.

“The time may be approaching when a cyberattack may offer advantages that cause terrorists to act, even if the probability of success or level of effectiveness is unknown,” according to the Congressional Research Service.

This and other conclusions are included in a recent CRS report [.pdf], titled Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues, released by the Federation of American Scientists.

Terrorists are using the Internet today to recruit new members, the report states. While it is highly likely that terrorist organizations are using cybercrime to finance their activities, the threat is expanding beyond credit card fraud and identity theft.

More here.


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